viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013


I would like beginning my comments about the semminar focus on the importance to carry out this important academic events and to have the possibility to participate as in this good semminar carried out at the UPTC. We have the possiblity not only to see a variety gamme of interventions but also different points of view not just to consider but also to feel  the research process. I could conclude that the research desire cannot be imposed, it is a deeply interest of the teacher to understand a phenomena; to reflect about his/her own field and job, to tray to change something based on theories and experiences and to evaluate them into daily practice looking for a kind of improvement of his/her professional development and learning processes. 

This motivation for research comes out form daily work experiences in the classroom, with students, while performing and activity, with the results of a process, when you share experiences with colleagues, something that happens and makes you ask or being curios on that, something that is not functioning, something that happens and you don´t have explanations to understand what is behind that situation. 

There are still many things to discover through research, because everything what happens to a student or a teacher in a context, it is a unique oportunity to discover and to learn something. That experience won´t be repeated again, since we are working with individuals, one completely different to the other. How different humans beigns are and for that reason, how different we think, we communicate, we express, we behave, we understand and we produce. There are many topics to learn and to research trough our classes. however, in some of the cases, teachers limit themselves. For example, when they do not consider themselves able to do or to guide a research practice, to make some changes, to learn, to discover and probably, to unlearn. Unfortunately, most of the times teacher realizes that there is something happening but the doubt dies or it is just leaved behind.

Finally, everything begins only with our desire to clarify and to comprehend a real situation. more than our task it is our commitment as educators, not just with the society, or our schools but with each one of the valuable students we are privileged to meet and to share with in our classes. Just some few changes can make the difference and each teacher needs to comprehend it. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Yohana,
    This is the way to get more than a degree; you have many things to discover in our beautiful job, I like so much feelings and enthusiasm in your words, I am sure you are going to take as much as you want.

  2. "There are many topics to learn and to research trough our classes." I can also see that when I finish my classes, there are always some doubts. However, in my case, it seems to be hard to put those doubts into real words and actually start doing something.
